Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Writing Workshop: Paranormal Activity

This post is inspired by Josie over at sleep is for the weak I chose the prompt paranormal activity from this weeks movie themes. It's my first time *blush* be gentle with me!

Some very very strange stuff happens in Bangkok. Not just the nasty icky pervy old men (now thats another post) but the weird supernatural superstitious things that Thai people seem so used to.
Rewind to the horrible fire that happened at the Santika nightclub, New years eve 2008. A terrible tragedy that ended in the loss of 67 lives. I was at home in London when I saw the news, and remembered thinking how sad it was. I had no idea what part of Bangkok this was or knew nobody affected. Like most people watching, this tragedy went in one ear and out the other.

Fast forward now to 2009. I have embarked on the madness that is starting my own kids clothing brand and our manufacturing is done in Bangkok. I am spending chunks of time getting to know the city with my business partner known on this blog as Nana (well my Mum and Dodo's Nana!) 
Our wanderings have been majorly helped out by a great guide book Bangkok City Scoops. It has taken us to some well hidden spots and at times we have had to show ALOT of faith! When you follow the directions and get sent up some scary side soi with no lights..thinking there is no way we are going to get a good cocktail here..and are then rewarded with the coolest places, you learn to trust the book! And trusting the book was how we came to be walking from one bar to another laughing about trusting the book..

It's at this point that the skin and hairs on my right side suddenly start burning and I stop stock still in the street. White as a sheet (so I am told) I say "this is where the club was".  I can hear crying and screaming and I can feel panic..all I want to do is run. I turn to my right and for the first time I actually see the burnt out shell of the nightclub. The words had come out of my mouth before I could have possibly seen it. We picked up our pace..avoiding the temptation to leg it. The noises and 
burning sensation stayed with me a good few hours. 

I have no idea what to make of the feelings that I experienced that night and on several other occasions when I have had cause to pass by that spot. I'm not religious and still not sure if i'm honest what I  believe in but whatever I felt there has made me think about spirit. Could it be that when something really really bad happens it's echos stay around?

So up to this point it has all been noises in my head..no ghosts sighted..then I saw the zombie. Yes you read it right! The Zombie. and this time I was not the only one to see it. Same location but this time we had crossed the road and were walking pretty fast. Within about a block of the nightclub I start to feel the prickly heat on my side and feel quiet sick. I am trying really hard to carry on a conversation with my Mum and block this all out, we are walking arm in arm. 
Then I see him ahead of us coming towards us. I say nothing as now I am quite sure that I'm losing my marbles. Mum lets out a yelp and leaps about a foot in the air! We walk faster and I say "what did you see?" "a zombie" says Mum. Yes a Zombie! I don't know what else to call this figure who had black smoke rimmed eyes and soot marks round the nose and mouth. He was grey and ash covered and nobody else outside the busy 7/11 store seemed to see him.

On my last trip I was back in the same area and the heavy feeling seems to be lifting. Now I know that how that makes me sound but I just can't think of another way to explain. I just hope that whatever energy was echoing round has moved on to someplace better and has found some peace.
Freaky things happen in Bangkok…but I love it! Zombies and all. 

Oh and I still trust the book but it's a little out of date. If your thinking of using it please check the address and phone number before marching up any dark dark soi's..you never know what might be lurking, could even be me with a cocktail in hand!


  1. EEEEEEK! OMG how spooky is that! You had me gripped!!

  2. Thank you..It is all true! and there is more but didn't want to waffle lol ;)
