Friday, 31 December 2010

Bye Bye 2010!

Christmas has left my house a wreck of new toys and leftovers. Dodo is very happy and I am just fatter and poorer! But it was lovely having the family together on what my well be our last Christmas in London.
Father Christmas was bleepin messy with his huge feet!
The first of many!
2011 is going to be a year of big changes for us. Moving to Bangkok, Dodo starting kindergarten and a huge amount of excitement on the work horizon. Can't wait for it all to begin but also feel like hiding under my bed with the hugeness of pulling it all off! I will try my best to not crack up and keep you all  informed of the adventure as we go.
It's almost over a few more hours to go. I am about to break the habit of a life time and venture out for New years eve. I love christmas but really hate the build up of New year and the hype that seems to go along with it. I know I sound like a right old mardy bum but I am going to my local pub and paying to get in!! eh? Whats that all about?
So I will just wish everyone a very happy new year from Dodo and myself and hope you keep on reading our adventures.  Peace. Love. Out!


  1. Happy New Year and I hope that everything goes well with your plans.

  2. Thanks for dropping by and Happy New year to you to!

  3. Happy New Year and hope all goes well with your exciting plans. Great pic and two beautiful girls
