Thursday, 23 May 2013

The Gallery...Drinks

When looking for pictures for this weeks gallery theme I was struck by how heavily featured in my photo stream drinks really are. Now before you all go yelling "lush" and demanding I seek help its not just the boozy ones! Coffee is also up there on the most often snapped list..mother of 3 yadda yadda...essential to ones sanity.

A photo posted by @beceylan on

In my defence on the subject of the boozy drinks, I live in Bangkok. End of. We are just totally spoilt with my favourite type of inebriant, cocktails. Silly ones served in coconuts, classy ones that knock you on your arse after a few sips (see the Quince drinks list for details!) all cocktail life is here. Oh and it's cheaper than back in London..yup another excuse.
The amazing Vespers at Quince
Fermented pork fried with crispy garlic, chilli and peanuts..Mmm think that will go down nicely with my Margarita!
Another temptation here in Thailand is that you will always find something ridiculously morish and naughty to eat with your chosen tipple. Thai chicken wings are worse than crack.

A photo posted by @beceylan on

A photo posted by @beceylan on

It's ALWAYS Pimms o'clock

Although being a expat you always have a place in your heart that yearns for a good old Pimms..oh and a me a seat in the pub garden..Summer holiday U.K here I come!
Check out want the other drinky themed posts are over at I really hope it's not all tea, coffee and water!


  1. Loving these pics, I want to drink in Thailand!

  2. What an extraordinary array of drinks ! Very instructive ;)
