Tuesday 13 September 2011

I wish..

My Wishes could fill pages.

Some of the wishes are huge and life altering and some of them are mundane and shallow. Like wishing that I didn't have to remind my Dad to wipe the kitchen counter tops or Dodo to brush her teeth. 

How many of us spend our lives wishing? What is a wish anyway? A verb. To feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that probably will not happen. With a definition like that I'm not sure I want to wish for anything. Wishes seem sad and lonely and I don't want to feel those emotions. I long for the wishes to be real, concrete and in my life for me to enjoy, regret or whatever comes with them. But I want them now. I want for them to no longer be a feeling that will probably never be mine to experience.

If I added up the time I have spent wishing for things I feel overwhelmed. 
Most of them I can't share and maybe that is the thing I wish to do the most.

This weeks prompt from Josie's fantastic writing workshop was "wishes" Please check out the other entries over at Sleep is for the weak 

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